RIP my dear friend Jane, I will miss our WhatsApp video chats, Sheila in Oz xx
Rest in Peace Aunty Jane xx All my love Tim and Jane
Sleep Well Jane xx
Rest in peace lovely lady
In memory of
Jane Wiggins
10/03/1939 - 23/01/2023
Mum took to her bed on the 21st December 2022 with back pain. After numerous calls to her local doctor and 111 over a period of weeks the pain become too intense and 999 was called on the 22nd January 2023. Within 2hrs of being at the hospital mum was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML).
The cancer was very aggressive. We were told Mum was too weak to have chemotherapy but it would have been in vain anyway because she passed away the day after on Monday 23rd January.
Mum is sorely missed by us all, however, we know that she would be really grateful if you help with this great charity, leukaemia UK.