Laura Marks

Raising money for vital research in memory of Richard Brooks

Raised so far:


Target: £10,000.00



  • Hidden
    04 Feb 2025


    Thinking of those so close to us who have lost their lives to leukemia.

  • £20.00+ £5.00 Gift Aid
    04 Feb 2025


    World Cancer Day 2025 🤍

  • Hidden
    27 Dec 2023


  • Hidden
    20 Dec 2023


  • £50.91+ £12.73 Gift Aid
    18 Dec 2023


    I have lost a cousin to AML Leukaemia also a dear friend.

In memory of

Richard Brooks

16/4/61 - 9/9/22

Richard passed away in 2022 after illness with leukaemia.

He had been diagnosed with MDS in September 2019 and the prognosis was good. Whilst not receiving any specific treatment, he was on a "watch & wait" program which was maintained during Covid lockdowns albeit without the required regular face to face appointments and blood tests. The plan was to wait until the MDS progressed and then move to a bone marrow biopsy as a cure for MDS. This was what Richard wanted.

At the beginning of 2022, it became obvious that Richard's condition was progressing and the team decided to get Richard ready for a bone marrow transplant. A donor was found and the plan was to schedule the transplant fairly soon.

Unfortunately, before the transplant was arranged, a bone marrow biopsy showed that Richard now had AML. He had a 1st round of chemo in May, recovered at home for 4 weeks and then had a 2nd round of chemo in July. This did not have the required effect and the medical team advised there was nothing further they could offer.

Richard entered palliative care in mid-August and passed away a few weeks later.

It was a quick progressions from being MDS potentially curable to AML with no options for treatment.

By fundraising for Leukaemia UK, we hope to be able to help individuals and families with better options than Richard was given. Apart from the illness, he was a healthy and very fit man of 61 who swam regularly, cycled and practiced yoga up until he went into hospital for 2nd chemo treatment.

Richard had a daughter and 2 sons. He was an accomplished sportsman, especially loved football and golf, completed 3 London marathons and a triathlon. He was an avid reader, superb writer and exceptional PR.