The 8th september 2021 is a day that is forever etched into my mind, I can tell you exactly where I was at 3:40pm it’s was the day that changed my younger brother Darren’s life and turned his and our families completely on it’s head it was the day he was diagnosed with B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Philadelphia Positive.
Life can be so cruel but if living through a pandemic has taught us anything it is that life is worth living and when you get news like this every second counts.
This is why me and my family are going to be running the virtual Halloween 5k for Leukaemia UK on Saturday 30th October 2021 and we want to raise as much money and awareness to support Darren and others like him and their families. The money that we raise is vital for research but also helps go towards the charity supporting people with leukaemia. Leukaemia is a cancer that is slient and the symptoms are easily missed. The symptoms to look out for are headaches, shortness of breath, fatigue, night sweats, palpitations , reacurring infections, nose bleeds, bruising a rash , fever or chills and joint pain,however you may not get all of the above symptoms at once. We urge anyone felling unwell with the above symptoms to please see your GP and get checked out.
Like many others Darren faces the fight of his life undergoing aggressive chemotherapy and radiotherapy as well as needing a stem sell transplant.
Your help with raising awareness and your donations will go a long way in helping Darren and many other families like ours.
Thank you for taking the time to read and also thank you for your donations.
Please follow my Instagram page to get updates on how on how our 5K went @saralouisedavis
Love Sara Gary Freya and Georgia
(The Davis family)